Consumer Links
Consumer Home Inspection & Maintenance Links
KHC – Kentucky Housing Corporation – KHC makes homeownership possible for over 52,000 low- and moderate-income Kentucky families. Other programs include rental housing production financing, homeownership education/counseling and a variety of rental assistance, housing rehabilitation and home repair initiatives.
Kentucky Home Buying Guide from the Kentucky Housing Corporation – A free, step-by-step guide to buying a home of your own. Get yours Now!
Home Maintenance Guide – From Home Inspector Locator: “In a home, very few things are maintenance free. While it is a bitter pill for most homeowners to swallow, the fact is that preventative maintenance, with all the time and money it consumes, is still far more cost effective than the crisis management approach of waiting until something breaks and then scrambling to have it repaired. Preventative maintenance can avoid repairs, extend the life expectancy of many components and in some cases, reduce energy consumption.”
Seasonal Home Maintenance and Safety – From State Farm Insurance: “Investing in seasonal home maintenance and safety can pay off in peace of mind, utility cost savings, durability and even resale value.”
Lead Paint Safety – A Field Guide for Painting, Home Maintenance and Renovation Work – From the Department of Housing and Urban Development: “This guide is one part of HUD’s comprehensive approach to lead safety in the home. If you perform routine maintenance on homes or apartments built before 1978, this guide will help you plan and carry out your work safely. Step-by-step instructions and illustrations explain and show what you need to do to protect yourself and your clients if you are working in older housing that could contain lead paint.”
Home Smart Radio with Bryan McKee
WLAP 630 AM, Lexington, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM on Saturdays
Kentucky Board of Home Inspectors
“A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home”
from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mold Tips from the National Association of Home Builders
Radon Zone Map of Kentucky
from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Based Paint Information
from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
ASHI – American Society of Home Inspectors
NAHI – National Association of Home Inspectors