Kentucky Real Estate Inspectors Association Inc.

Replacement CE Certificates

KREIA Education Conference Certificates are issued via email at the end of each conference.  As announced several times at every conference, until the end of the month following the conference, KREIA will replace any not received certificates at no cost to the attendee. That gives the attendee over one month to determine that they haven’t received their certificate via email.

However, KREIA is a volunteer association of home inspectors, not your filing cabinet or record keeping assistant.

After the end of the month following the conference, there is a $50.00 charge per conference certificate for our volunteers to give some more of their time to dig out the records, go through them to determine what classes you attended and get the certificate to you.

Complete the form below to let us know which certificates you need and your chosen payment method.

Replacement CE Certificate

Certificates Needed
Payment Method

You will receive an email confirming your request for replacement certificates and providing links and addresses for payment directions.

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